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My name is Gaétan Lanoue.
How to present the researches in a way less attractive did not appear evident at first sight.  Many authors are prone to describe their family histories by using the novel formula. While this approach is considered acceptable for some, in my case, I envisioned the novel formula as ill-equipped to include precise individual information.


An English version of the book AN ACADIAN WANDERER, the history of the Lanoue family in America is available.

The process of collating genealogical data requires the presentation of the most accurate interpretation possible in relation to the information obtained.  The final genealogy text presented should render a valuable service to anyone who has Acadian ancestors, to those whose families rejoined my own in the course of history and particularly those who have an ascendant Lanoue among their ancestors.

Throughout my extensive researches, I managed to accumulate many small stories obtained from different persons, noted numerous historical events that developed in those times, and accrued knowledge on the volunteered or forced travels of the ancients.  The task of reassembling this huge collection of scattered pages and collating them in one coherent book for the reader encouraged a slight headache.

The extensive research that led to the publication of the book should also provide the reader with a valuable insight in discovering heretofore unknown aspects of the Lanoue genealogy over the years.

The title:  AN ACADIAN WANDERER depicts the history of the Lanoue family in America and is the first book to provide a comprehensive history on this subject.  If you profess an interest in the book please let me know.  I would appreciate your input for planning purposes.


Gaétan Lanoue

gaetanlanoue A hotmail.ca